MassRobotics Visits
Visits to MassRobotics must be scheduled.
We do keep visits to a minimum so as not to disrupt the work being done by our resident startups. There is often a fee associated with a visit, depending on the involvement of demonstrations and/or introductions to startups. Fees for visits provide support to the MassRobotics mission.
If you are interested in holding an event or visiting our space, please read the FAQs below and fill out the visit application form. At this time, we are unable to accommodate visits by individuals.

Visit FAQs
Do I need to make an appointment to visit?
Yes, all visits must be scheduled. If interested in visiting the space, please fill out an application below.
Is there any fee associated with my visit?
This depends on the group, but typically, yes, there is a fee associated with the support needed for the visit. If the visit involves an overview and demonstrations, there is a fee to defray costs.
How many people can participate in a visit?
This depends on the type of visit and if demonstrations are involved. For larger groups, we often split into smaller groups of 6-10 for more of a hands-on experience.
Who is eligible to visit?
We have hosted a variety of groups for visits, discussions and demonstrations, ranging from students to corporate executives. We DO however, limit the number of large group visits so that we do not disrupt the work being done by our startups.
How long is a visit?
Visits can be as short as 20 minutes and as long as two hours, depending upon the topics, discussion, and if the visit includes demonstrations and meetings with startups.
Can we customize a schedule for a visit?
Yes, we do this quite often and work to accommodate your needs.
Thank you for your interest in scheduling a visit to MassRobotics.
We do keep visits to a minimum so as not to disrupt the work being done by our startups. There is often a fee associated with a tour, depending on the involvement of demonstrations and/or introductions to startups. Fees for tours provide support to the MassRobotics mission.
Application to schedule a visit:
We receive a tremendous amount of requests and unfortunately cannot accommodate all of them. We will review your application and get back to you shortly.
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